Important things of JavaScript

Fahim Ahammed Firoz
2 min readMay 6, 2021
important things of javascript

Primitive Values:

Primitive values in JavaScript are number, string, null, undefined, and booleans.


Non-primitive Values:

Non-primitive Value in JavaScript is an object

const person = { name: ‘Fahim’, age: ‘20’ };


In JavaScript, a variable contains only one value. Objects are variable, but they can contain many values.

const person = { name: ‘Fahim’, age: 21, eyeColor: ‘Black’ };


In JavaScript, the function is a set of statements and they can perform a particular task.


function function-name ( parameter1, parameter2, …….. , parameterN ) {        // statements}


function add( x, y ) {return x + y;}

Arrow functions

Arrow functions in ES6. It is a set of statements (with a parameter or without parameter ) and it can perform a particular task.


function-name = ( parameter ) => {// statement}


const add = ( x, y) => {return x + y;}


In JavaScript, a variable declared for after use. Hoisting in JavaScript is a behavior in which a function or a variable can be used before declaration.


let x; // declared xx = 10; // assign value of x

Error Handling

Error handling in JavaScript has to terms try and catch. The try statement lets you test for errors to block a code and catch statement handle error.




There are two types of comments in JavaScript. They are- single-line comments and multiline comments.

Single line comment:

Single line comment starts with //.

// single line commentconsole.log(‘ok’);

Multi-line comment:

Multi-line comment starts with /* and ends with */.

/* multiline commentExample commentdemo comment */console.log(‘ok’);



Fahim Ahammed Firoz

I am a hardworking, confident, enthusiastic Web developer and I want to utilize my knowledge and personal skills in Web Development.