10 Important topics of JavaScript

Fahim Ahammed Firoz
4 min readMay 8, 2021


important topics of javaScript

1. Truthy and Falsy values:

In the boolean expression, Truthy values are values that evaluate True and Falsy values are values that evaluate False. Again, in numeric value, falsy values mean 0 (zero) and Truthy values mean 1 (one).

There is six falsy value in JavaScript:







const a = NaN;const b = false;const c = null;console.log(a); // falseconsole.log(b); // falseconsole.log(c); //false

Bellow some truthy values:


{ }

[ ]




const a = true;const b = “hello world”;const c = 45;console.log(a); // trueconsole.log(b); // trueconsole.log(c); // true

2. Null vs Undefined:

Null means nothing, it is an assigned value. But Undefined means a variable has been declared but not defined.

const a = null;const b;console.log(a); // nullconsole.log(b); // undefined

3. Double equal ( == ) vs Triple equal ( === ):

Double equal (== ) is used for comparing two variables, but it can not check the data type of variable. On the other hand, Triple equal ( === ) is used for comparing two variables and it can check the data type of variable.

const a = ‘hello’;const b = ‘hello’;console.log( a == b ); // trueconsole.log( a === b ); // trueconst c = hello;const d = ‘hello’;console.log( c == d ); // trueconsole.log( c === d ); // false

4. Call():

Call and apply ara very similarly. call() is a method that takes the arguments separated by a comma and invokes a function with a given ‘this’ value.

const friend1 = { firstName: ‘Fahim’ , lastName: ‘Ahammed’ };const friend2 = { firstName: ‘Kuddus’ lastName: ‘Ali’ };function Friend ( gretting1, gretting2 ) {console.log( gretting1 + ‘ ‘ + this.firstName + ‘ ‘ + this.lastName + ‘ ‘ + gretting2 );}Friend.call( friend1, ‘Hay’, ‘What’s up?’ ); // Hay, Fahim Ahmmed, What’s up?Friend.call( friend2, ‘Hay’, ‘What’s up?’ ); // Hay, Kuddus Ali, What’s up?


apply() is a method that takes the array of arguments.

const friend1 = { firstName: ‘Fahim’ , lastName: ‘Ahammed’ };const friend2 = { firstName: ‘Kuddus’ lastName: ‘Ali’ };function Friend ( gretting1, gretting2 ) {console.log( gretting1 + ‘ ‘ + this.firstName + ‘ ‘ + this.lastName + ‘ ‘ + gretting2 );}Friend.apply( friend1, [ ‘Hay’, ‘What’s up?’ ] ); // Hay, Fahim Ahmmed, What’s up?Friend.apply( friend2, [ ‘Hay’, ‘What’s up?’ ]); // Hay, Kuddus Ali, What’s up?

6. blind()

blind () is a method that creates a new function. But it does not call the function.

const friend1 = { firstName: ‘Fahim’ , lastName: ‘Ahammed’ };const friend2 = { firstName: ‘Kuddus’ lastName: ‘Ali’ };function Friend ( gretting1, gretting2 ) {console.log( gretting1 + ‘ ‘ + this.firstName + ‘ ‘ + this.lastName + ‘ ‘ + gretting2 );}const inviteFriend1 = Friend.blind ( friend1 );const inviteFriend2 = Friend.blind ( friend2 );console.log( inviteFriend1 ( ‘Hello’, ‘Whats up? ‘ ));// Hello, Fahim Ahammed Whats up?console.log( inviteFriend2 ( ‘Hello’, ‘Whats up? ‘ ));// Hello,  Kuddus Ali Whats up?

7. Global Variable;

A global variable declared outside a function. It can be accessed any function.

const value = 100;function a () {    console.log( value + 50 ) ; // 150}function b () {    console.log( value * 5 ) ; // 500}

8. this keyword

The this keyword refers to the current object in a method or constructor.

const Person = {    firstName: ‘Akbor’,    lastName: ‘Ali’,    age: ‘23’,    fullName: function () {                return this.firstName + “ “ + lastName;          }}

9. Private Variable:

A private variable is accessible in the current class or function. It cannot access all functions or classes.

const a = 100;if ( a < 80 ) {     const b = 50;} else {    const c = 120;}console.log( a ); // 100console.log( b ); // b cannot be accessableconsole.log( c ) ; // c cannot be accessable

10. Global Scope:

A global variable declared at the top of a program or outside a function and a global variable has global scope.

const a = “hello”;function test () {    console.log(a);}test(); // hello

Thank you… :)



Fahim Ahammed Firoz
Fahim Ahammed Firoz

Written by Fahim Ahammed Firoz

I am a hardworking, confident, enthusiastic Web developer and I want to utilize my knowledge and personal skills in Web Development.

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